to read first part or about previous months click on previous
week-17th :- baby start moving,mother can feel movement,muscle developing.
week-18th :- hairs on head star grow,small hair growth occur full body called lanugo.
week-19th :- baby body covered with white substance called vernix caseosa.
week-20th :- baby size now 10 inch,weight-1 pound(454 gram)
MONTH-6 (now growth of baby will slow)
week-21 :- baby skin color now reddish,skin translucent.
week-22-24 :- baby can open eye,finger prints visible.Baby movement increases,
baby size-12 inch,weight-2 pound (1 kg approx)
week-25 :- baby continue to grow,can take nutrient,can store nutrient.
week-26-28 :- baby can move frequently,can response on sound and external disturbance,baby brain start developing.
baby size increase-14 inch,weight-2,4 pound (1-2 kg)
baby can survive outside,if delivery take place this month
week-29-32 :- baby continue to mature,brain developing,baby start kicking,baby start listing
internal organ start working.
baby size-18 inch,weight-5 pound(2-2.3 kg)
week-33-36 :- baby can move fully,can urinate,
baby fully mature,and ready to enter in real word,
baby size-20 inch,weight-7 pound(3-3.5kg).
here are few pics of newly born baby,feel the new life reaction.
life born is like miracle,start a new life journey
tell what you feel,comment below
by medical gig team.
for reading more article like this click on more.
week-17th :- baby start moving,mother can feel movement,muscle developing.
week-18th :- hairs on head star grow,small hair growth occur full body called lanugo.
week-19th :- baby body covered with white substance called vernix caseosa.
week-20th :- baby size now 10 inch,weight-1 pound(454 gram)
MONTH-6 (now growth of baby will slow)
week-21 :- baby skin color now reddish,skin translucent.
week-22-24 :- baby can open eye,finger prints visible.Baby movement increases,
baby size-12 inch,weight-2 pound (1 kg approx)
week-25 :- baby continue to grow,can take nutrient,can store nutrient.
week-26-28 :- baby can move frequently,can response on sound and external disturbance,baby brain start developing.
baby size increase-14 inch,weight-2,4 pound (1-2 kg)
baby can survive outside,if delivery take place this month
week-29-32 :- baby continue to mature,brain developing,baby start kicking,baby start listing
internal organ start working.
baby size-18 inch,weight-5 pound(2-2.3 kg)
week-33-36 :- baby can move fully,can urinate,
baby fully mature,and ready to enter in real word,
baby size-20 inch,weight-7 pound(3-3.5kg).
here are few pics of newly born baby,feel the new life reaction.
life born is like miracle,start a new life journey
tell what you feel,comment below
by medical gig team.
for reading more article like this click on more.
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