what are cranial nerve???
friends our body is very interesting and complex you know all part of body are not control by Brain some are control by our spinal cord.

some reflex action is control by our spinal cord ,

eg;-your hand touched a hot object.
whenever we touched hot object by mistake we pull back our hand within sec. or mini seconds.
medical gig

this happen because its a critical case,if our hand send message to brain and brain again send back a message to pull hand,it will take time and your hand will prevent burning our hand send message to spinal cord which is very near to hand because of this we pull back our hand more fast.

this is only an example,like many thing control by spinal cord.

today we are talking about body parts that control by brain,(not true statement but for understanding we can assume this.)
there are 12 pairs of cranial nerve(12 pairs control by brain)
1)olfactory nerve
2)optic nerve
3)oculomotor nerve
4)trochlear nerve
5)trigeminal nerve
6)abducens nerve
7)facial nerve
8)vestibulocochlear nerve
9)glossopharngeal nerve
10)vagus nerve
11)asscesory nerve
12)hypoglossal nerve

thanks guys...
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